Brytor’s Annual Managers Meeting

Brytor just completed another successful annual Manager’s Meeting, held every spring at our headquarters in Mississauga, Ontario.

Bringing the key people from all of our branches together to analyze the last year’s performance, brainstorm, reconnect and plan for the year ahead has become an invaluable tradition that strengthens our commitment to our brand and our dedication to quality service.

This year, one of our focal points was Brytor’s social media presence, something that often gets set aside in the fray of doing our day to day business where service, our key commodity, is obviously the  primary point of our existence.

Certainly though, Brytor’s managers are aware that without sharing our knowledge and experience within the social arena we could get lost in the Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Website world that we all live in.  That said, we have come out of our meeting determined to make Brytor’s  presence more visible,  bring interesting and pertinent articles to the fore.  We hope to inform, entertain, educate and assist our clients, fellow agents and friends by whatever means at our disposal.  We hope that you will like, comment, and share.  By strengthening our  social media networking, we especially hope that Brytor offers our audience an insight into our world of international moving.

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